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gnuplot demo script: epi_data.dem

autogenerated by on Mon Sep 16 12:05:47 2024
gnuplot version gnuplot 6.0 patchlevel 2
#                   Epidemiological data
# Plot from data file that encodes date as an ISO 8601 "week date".
# Example:  week date 2004-W01-1 is calendar date 29 December 2003
# The data is from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

# The ECDC data file uses fields containing week date as "YYYY-WW".
# First we define a function that extracts the integer year and week
# from this string and converts it to standard time representation.

calendar(date) = weekdate_iso( int(date[1:4]), int(date[6:7]) )

set datafile separator comma
set style data lines
set key Left left reverse box samplen 2 width 2
set grid x lt 1 lw .75 lc "gray"
set tics nomirror
set border 3

set xtics time format "%b\n%Y"
set ytics format " %4.0f"

data1 = '< grep "Denmark.*cases" ECDC-weekly-national-COVID.csv'
data2 = '< grep "Sweden.*cases" ECDC-weekly-national-COVID.csv'
data3 = '< grep "Norway.*cases" ECDC-weekly-national-COVID.csv'
data4 = '< grep "Finland.*cases" ECDC-weekly-national-COVID.csv'
data5 = '< grep "Iceland.*cases" ECDC-weekly-national-COVID.csv'

set title "weekly COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people" font ":Bold,15"

plot data1 using (calendar(strcol(7))) : (1.e5*$6/$4) lw 2 title "Denmark", \
     data2 using (calendar(strcol(7))) : (1.e5*$6/$4) lw 2 title "Sweden", \
     data3 using (calendar(strcol(7))) : (1.e5*$6/$4) lw 2 title "Norway", \
     data4 using (calendar(strcol(7))) : (1.e5*$6/$4) lw 2 title "Finland", \
     data5 using (calendar(strcol(7))) : (1.e5*$6/$4) lw 2 lt 6 title "Iceland"

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot