# set terminal gif transparent nocrop font verdana 12 animate delay 10 loop 0 optimize size 200,200 x000000 # set output 'animate2.1.png' unset border set dummy u,v set angles degrees unset key set parametric set view 60, 136, 2, 1 set samples 64, 64 set isosamples 13, 13 set mapping spherical set hidden3d offset 0 trianglepattern 3 undefined 1 altdiagonal bentover set size ratio 1 1,1 set style data lines set noxtics set noytics set noztics set urange [ -90.0000 : 90.0000 ] noreverse nowriteback set vrange [ 0.00000 : 360.000 ] noreverse nowriteback xview(xrot)=xrot zview(zrot)=zrot limit_iterations = 72 xrot = 60 xrot_delta = 0 zrot = 131 zrot_delta = 355 iteration_count = 73 splot cos(u)*cos(v),cos(u)*sin(v),sin(u) notitle with lines lt 5, 'world.dat' notitle with lines lt 2 lw 3