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gnuplot demo script: steps.dem

autogenerated by on Tue Apr 14 15:20:35 2009
gnuplot version gnuplot 4.3 patchlevel CVS-12Apr2009
# $Id: steps.dem,v 1.5 2003/10/17 15:02:21 mikulik Exp $
# This file will serve as the datafile used in demonstrating the 
# "plot with steps" option.   Here is a gnuplot input file
# which uses "plot with steps", inverse error function, normal
# distribution function, and the inverse normal distribution
# function.

set title "Compare steps, fsteps and histeps"
plot [0:12][0:13] "steps.dat" notitle with points,  \
 "steps.dat" title 'steps' with steps, \
 'steps.dat' title 'fsteps' with fsteps, \
 'steps.dat' title 'histeps' with histeps

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "Histogram built from unsorted data by 'smooth frequency'"
set ylabel 'counts per bin'
set xlabel 'bins'
plot 'hemisphr.dat' u (floor($1*20)):(1) smooth frequency with histeps
unset xlabel
unset ylabel

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "Normal Distribution Function"
plot [-3:3][0:1] norm(x)

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "Inverse Error Function"
plot [-1:1] inverf(x)

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "Inverse Normal Distribution Function"
plot [0:1] invnorm(x)

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot