# set terminal pngcairo background "#ffffff" enhanced font "arial,10" fontscale 1.0 size 600, 400 # set output 'image.2.png' unset key set label 1 "\"Time for a dip...\"" at 132, 285, 0 centre norotate back nopoint offset character 0, 0, 0 set title "Translations of position variables via 'using'" set xrange [ -10.0000 : 275.000 ] noreverse nowriteback set yrange [ -10.0000 : 300.000 ] noreverse nowriteback plot 'blutux.rgb' binary array=(128,128) flipy center=( 64,201 ) format='%uchar' with rgbimage, 'blutux.rgb' binary array=(128,128) flipy rotation=-90d center=(201,201) format='%uchar' with rgbimage, 'blutux.rgb' binary array=(128,128) flip=y rotate=3.1415 center=(201,64) format='%uchar' with rgbimage, 'blutux.rgb' binary array=(128,128) flip=y rot=0.5pi center=(64,64) format='%uchar' using 1:2:3 with rgbimage