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gnuplot demo script: datastrings.dem

autogenerated by on Mon Jan 20 21:21:23 2025
gnuplot version gnuplot 6.1 last modified 2025-01-20
# Demonstrate reading strings from column headings or data column
# for placement as plot titles or tic labels
# Ethan A Merritt <>
# 08-Mar-2003
# Illustrate reading plot labels from column head in datafile
set title "Auto-labeling plots from text fields in datafile"
set label 1 "Generate plot labels from first row in each column"
set label 1 at graph 0.02, 0.85 tc lt 3
set label 2 "Generate x-axis labels from first column in each row"
set label 2 at graph 0.02, 0.80 tc lt 3
set style data linespoints
set ylabel "mm"
set yrange [0:200]
set key autotitle columnhead
plot 'ctg-y2.dat' using 2:xticlabel(1) index 2, \
     ''           using 2 index 3 

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

# Illustrate reading xtic axis labels from the datafile
set title "Read tic labels from a datafile column\nusing 'using ($0):2:xticlabels(1)'"
set boxwidth 0.3
set style fill solid 1.000000 border -1
set bmargin 3
set pointsize 2
set yrange [0:180]
set xrange [-0.5:11.5]
set ylabel "mm"
set tics scale 0.0
set grid y
set xtics
set key autotitle columnhead
plot 'ctg-y2.dat' using ($0-0.2):2 index 0 with boxes title "precipitation 1992-2000", \
     ''           using ($0+0.2):2 index 1 with boxes title "              2000-2001", \
     ''           using ($0):2 index 2 with linespoints lw 3 title "runoff 1992-2000", \
     ''           using ($0):2:xticlabels(1) index 3 with linespoints lw 3 title "       2000-2001"

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "Same plot using x2ticlabels also"
set x2tics
plot 'ctg-y2.dat' using ($0-0.2):2 index 0 with boxes title "precipitation 1992-2000", \
     ''           using ($0+0.2):2 index 1 with boxes title "              2000-2001", \
     ''           using ($0):2 index 2 with linespoints lw 3 title "runoff 1992-2000", \
     ''           using ($0):2:x2ticlabels(1) index 3 with linespoints lw 3 title "       2000-2001"

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "Plot from table format (titles taken from column headers)"
unset x2tics
plot 'table.dat' using ($0-0.2):2 title columnhead(2) with boxes, \
     ''          using ($0+0.2):3 title columnhead(3) with boxes, \
     ''          using ($0):4     title columnhead(4) with linespoints, \
     ''          using ($0):5:xtic(1) title columnhead(5) with linespoints

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set title "Plot actual y-value as a label"
plot 'table.dat' using 0:2:xtic(1) title columnhead with boxes, \
     ''          using 0:2:2 with labels center offset 0,1 notitle

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

# Not all terminals support boxed labels
set key box opaque
set yrange [20:120]
set grid x
set style textbox opaque
set title "Plot using boxed labels"
plot 'table.dat' using 0:2:xtic(1) title col with lines lw 3, \
     ''          using 0:2:2 with labels center boxed notitle


Click here for minimal script to generate this plot