# set terminal pngcairo transparent enhanced fontscale 1.0 size 600, 400 # set output 'fit.23.png' set title "Pearson's data and York's weights\noriginal data and the initial function" set xlabel "x" set xrange [ -1.00000 : 9.00000 ] noreverse set ylabel "y" set yrange [ 0.00000 : 8.00000 ] noreverse set fit nologfile brief errorvariables nocovariancevariables noerrorscaling prescale limit 1e-08 start_lambda 1 nowrap v5 l(x) = y0 + m*x high(x) = mh*(x-Tc) + dens_Tc lowlin(x) = ml*(x-Tc) + dens_Tc curve(x) = b*tanh(g*(Tc-x)) density(x) = x < Tc ? curve(x)+lowlin(x) : high(x) h(x,y) = sqrt(r*r - (abs(x-x0))**2.2 - (abs(y-y0))**1.8) + z0 phi(x) = (x - phi0)/360.0*2.0*pi main(x) = c11*sin(phi(x))**2 + c33*cos(phi(x))**2 + c44 mixed(x) = sqrt( ((c11-c44)*sin(phi(x))**2 +(c44-c33)*cos(phi(x))**2)**2 +(2.0*(c13+c44)*sin(phi(x))*cos(phi(x)))**2 ) vlong(x) = sqrt(1.0/2.0/rho*1e9*(main(x) + mixed(x))) vtrans(x) = sqrt(1.0/2.0/rho*1e9*(main(x) - mixed(x))) f(x) = a1 + a2*x W(x) = 1./(sqrt(2.*pi)*eta) * exp( -1. * x**2 / (2.*eta**2) ) Y(tc) = tc/sin(tb) * Fhkl * r0liV Q(tc) = (r0*Fhkl/V)**2 * (lambda**3/sin(2.*tb)) * P * f(tc) a(x) = W(x) * Q(tc) / mu R(x) = sinh(A*a(x)) * exp(-1.*A*(1.+a(x))) f1(x,y)=a0/(1+a1*x**2+a2*y**2) fy(x) = a1y + a2y*x NO_ANIMATION = 1 myencoding = "utf8" y0 = 0.2 m = -0.000943519626924529 FIT_CONVERGED = 1 FIT_NDF = 480 FIT_STDFIT = 0.0975475561571701 FIT_WSSR = 4.5674523418734 FIT_P = 1.0 FIT_NITER = 5 y0_err = 0.000473544839270016 m_err = 3.15383626024729e-05 FIT_ERROR = 0 FIT_COV_y0_y0 = 2.20240170189915e-06 FIT_COV_m_y0 = -4.67890413749725e-08 FIT_COV_y0_m = -4.67890413749725e-08 FIT_COV_m_m = 9.9466831564506e-10 ml = -0.00103152542276233 mh = -0.0008340717673769 dens_Tc = 1.02499621370905 Tc = 46.0665367045608 g = 6.92493866108287 b = 0.00139548391000006 ml_err = 1.62623230565094e-05 mh_err = 3.737890801507e-06 dens_Tc_err = 7.27819513635249e-06 Tc_err = 0.00159887430059728 g_err = 0.429342070879149 b_err = 5.81804522574664e-05 r = 0.5 x0 = 0.1 z0 = 0.3 r_err = 0.000364063036707612 x0_err = 0.000392881045250799 z0_err = 0.00152588271580421 rho = 1000.0 phi0 = -0.162075247708508 c11 = 5.34014735462855 c33 = 12.4010644097706 c44 = 1.0 c13 = 4.0 c33_err = 0.0725104739383483 c11_err = 0.0461985530124862 c44_err = 0.0238549841497308 c13_err = 0.0822947518354354 phi0_err = 0.354321536369356 mu = 0.113046900551349 t0 = 0.18 tb = 0.199278608299778 A = 0.020759275611633 P = 0.924693446208538 Fhkl = 3.42318325539711 r0 = 2.81794092e-13 lambda = 7.09338062818239e-09 V = 1.62253546981499e-23 r0liV = 123.194394853936 eta = 0.000100781677728629 tc = 0.00202128169099311 FIT_LIMIT = 1e-08 eta_err = 3.18415875281743e-07 tc_err = 1.28183863917919e-05 a0 = 1.02179023689138 a1 = 5.0 a2 = -0.5 a0_err = 0.0141448466704402 a1_err = 0.0176570664021064 a2_err = 0.0173713660669036 FIT_START_LAMBDA = 1.0 a1y = 5.0 a2y = -0.5 msg = "Press enter to fit the data using no error values" ## Last fit command: "fit f(x,y,t) 'fit3.dat' u 1:2:3:4 via a0,a1,a2" ## Last datafile plotted: "$PearsonYork" plot $PearsonYork using 2:4:(sqrt(1./$3)):(sqrt(1./$5)) with xyerrorbars lt -1 title 'data', f(x) lw 2 lt 1 title 'initial function'