# set terminal pngcairo transparent enhanced fontscale 1.0 size 600, 400 # set output 'fit.6.png' set key bmargin center horizontal Right noreverse enhanced autotitle nobox set title "fitted to realistic model function" set xlabel "Temperature T (°C)" set ylabel "Density (g/cm^3)" set fit nologfile brief errorvariables nocovariancevariables errorscaling prescale nowrap v5 l(x) = y0 + m*x high(x) = mh*(x-Tc) + dens_Tc lowlin(x) = ml*(x-Tc) + dens_Tc curve(x) = b*tanh(g*(Tc-x)) density(x) = x < Tc ? curve(x)+lowlin(x) : high(x) NO_ANIMATION = 1 myencoding = "utf8" y0 = 1.06865074176486 m = -0.000943519626924529 FIT_CONVERGED = 1 FIT_NDF = 31 FIT_STDFIT = 0.0137395924378767 FIT_WSSR = 0.00585206841112775 FIT_P = 1.0 FIT_NITER = 19 y0_err = 0.00148404909012443 m_err = 3.15383626024729e-05 FIT_ERROR = 0 FIT_COV_y0_y0 = 2.20240170189915e-06 FIT_COV_m_y0 = -4.67890413749725e-08 FIT_COV_y0_m = -4.67890413749725e-08 FIT_COV_m_m = 9.9466831564506e-10 ml = -0.00103152542276233 mh = -0.0008340717673769 dens_Tc = 1.02499621370905 Tc = 46.0665367045608 g = 6.92493866108287 b = 0.00139548391000006 ml_err = 1.62623230565094e-05 mh_err = 3.737890801507e-06 dens_Tc_err = 7.27819513635249e-06 Tc_err = 0.00159887430059728 g_err = 0.429342070879149 b_err = 5.81804522574664e-05 ## Last fit command: "fit density(x) 'lcdemo.dat' using 1:2:5 yerror via 'start.par'" ## Last datafile plotted: "lcdemo.dat" plot 'lcdemo.dat' using 1:2:5 with errorbars, density(x)