# set terminal pngcairo transparent enhanced fontscale 1.0 size 600, 400 # set output 'fit.7.png' set key bmargin center horizontal Right noreverse enhanced autotitle nobox set title "the scattered points, and the initial parameter" set fit nologfile brief errorvariables nocovariancevariables errorscaling prescale nowrap v5 l(x) = y0 + m*x high(x) = mh*(x-Tc) + dens_Tc lowlin(x) = ml*(x-Tc) + dens_Tc curve(x) = b*tanh(g*(Tc-x)) density(x) = x < Tc ? curve(x)+lowlin(x) : high(x) h(x,y) = sqrt(r*r - (abs(x-x0))**2.2 - (abs(y-y0))**1.8) + z0 NO_ANIMATION = 1 myencoding = "utf8" y0 = 0.2 m = -0.000943519626924529 FIT_CONVERGED = 1 FIT_NDF = 31 FIT_STDFIT = 0.0137395924378767 FIT_WSSR = 0.00585206841112775 FIT_P = 1.0 FIT_NITER = 19 y0_err = 0.00148404909012443 m_err = 3.15383626024729e-05 FIT_ERROR = 0 FIT_COV_y0_y0 = 2.20240170189915e-06 FIT_COV_m_y0 = -4.67890413749725e-08 FIT_COV_y0_m = -4.67890413749725e-08 FIT_COV_m_m = 9.9466831564506e-10 ml = -0.00103152542276233 mh = -0.0008340717673769 dens_Tc = 1.02499621370905 Tc = 46.0665367045608 g = 6.92493866108287 b = 0.00139548391000006 ml_err = 1.62623230565094e-05 mh_err = 3.737890801507e-06 dens_Tc_err = 7.27819513635249e-06 Tc_err = 0.00159887430059728 g_err = 0.429342070879149 b_err = 5.81804522574664e-05 r = 0.5 x0 = 0.1 z0 = 0.3 ## Last fit command: "fit density(x) 'lcdemo.dat' using 1:2:5 yerror via 'start.par'" ## Last datafile plotted: "hemisphr.dat" splot 'hemisphr.dat' using 1:2:3, h(x,y)