# set terminal pngcairo background "#ffffff" enhanced font "arial,8" fontscale 1.0 size 540, 384 # set output 'image2.9.png' unset key set size ratio 0 0.5,0.48 set origin 0.25,0 set title "Along a 225 degree projection" set title offset character 0, -0.5, 0 font "" textcolor lt -1 norotate set xrange [ -2.20000 : 0.700000 ] noreverse set yrange [ -2.20000 : 0.700000 ] noreverse NO_ANIMATION = 1 ## Last datafile plotted: "sine.bin" ## Last plot was a multiplot # saved multiplot set multiplot set size 0.5,0.48 set origin 0.0,0.47 unset key set xrange [0:2] set yrange [-1:1] set label 1 "Temporal data having one generated coordinate" at 2.25,1.5 center set title 'Along the x-axis' offset 0,-0.5 plot 'sine.bin' binary endian=little array=201 dx=0.01 origin=(0,0) format='%f' using 1 with lines unset label 1 set size 0.5,0.48 set origin 0.5,0.47 set xrange [-1:1] set yrange [0:2] set title 'Along the y-axis' plot 'sine.bin' binary endian=little array=201 dx=0.01 origin=(0,0) rotate=0.5pi format='%f' with lines set size 0.5,0.48 set origin 0.25,0.0 set xrange [-2.2:0.7] set yrange [-2.2:0.7] set title 'Along a 225 degree projection' plot 'sine.bin' binary endian=little array=201 dx=0.01 rotate=225d origin=(0,0) format='%f' using 1 with lines unset multiplot