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gnuplot demo script: keyentry.dem

autogenerated by on Mon Jan 20 21:21:58 2025
gnuplot version gnuplot 6.1 last modified 2025-01-20
# Demonstrate use of "keyentry" elements to build a key
save_encoding = GPVAL_ENCODING
set encoding utf8

set key title "Key made with explicit \n{/:Italic keyentry} elements"
set key box reverse Left right samplen 2

plot keyentry with points pt '¶' title "points", \
     keyentry with lp title "lp", \
     keyentry with yerrorbars title "yerrorbars", \
     keyentry with xyerrorlines title "xyerrorlines", \
     keyentry with circles fs solid fc "dark-red" title "circles", \
     keyentry with ellipses title "ellipses", \
sin(x)/x lc "grey" dt '.-' lw 3 title "normal plot", \
     keyentry "Secondary Title" font ":Bold", \
     keyentry with boxerrorbars title "boxerrorbars", \
     keyentry with boxplot fs pattern 1 title "boxplot", \
     keyentry "{/*0.75 αβγδε}" left boxed title "labels", \
     keyentry with vectors title "vectors"

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

# Same for 3D plots
set hidden3d
set key title "Key made with explicit \n{/:Italic keyentry} elements"
set key box reverse Left right opaque
unset colorbox

splot keyentry with points pt '¶' title "points", \
     keyentry with lp title "lp", \
     keyentry with zerrorfill title "zerrorfill", \
     keyentry with circles fs solid fc "grey" title "circles", \
(1.-(x**2+y**2)/100.) title "normal plot" lc "grey", \
     keyentry "Secondary Title" font ":Bold", \
     keyentry with boxes title "boxes", \
     keyentry "{/:Italic attn:}" title "labels", \
     keyentry with vectors title "vectors", \
     keyentry with pm3d title "pm3d"

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

set encoding save_encoding