# set terminal pngcairo transparent enhanced font "arial,10" fontscale 1.0 size 600, 400 # set output 'polygons.6.png' unset border set style fill transparent solid 0.75 border unset key set style line 101 linecolor rgb "forest-green" linewidth 1.000 dashtype solid pointtype 1 pointsize default set style line 102 linecolor rgb "goldenrod" linewidth 1.000 dashtype solid pointtype 1 pointsize default set view 36, 60, 4.2, 1 set view equal xyz set style data lines unset xtics unset ytics unset ztics unset cbtics unset rtics set title "splot truncated_cube with polygons" set title font "" textcolor lt -1 norotate noenhanced set xrange [ -2.00000 : 2.00000 ] noreverse set yrange [ -2.00000 : 2.00000 ] noreverse set zrange [ -2.00000 : 2.00000 ] noreverse set pm3d depthorder set pm3d interpolate 1,1 flush begin noftriangles border lt black linewidth 2.000 dashtype solid corners2color mean set palette cubehelix start 0.5 cycles -1.5 saturation 1 unset colorbox NO_ANIMATION = 1 phi = 1.61803398874989 n = 21 ## Last datafile plotted: "truncated_cube.dat" splot 'truncated_cube.dat' using ($1-0.5):($2-0.5):($3-0.5) with polygons fc bgnd lw 2