# set terminal pngcairo transparent enhanced font "arial,10" fontscale 1.0 size 600, 400 # set output 'sectors.8.png' set angles degrees set theta clockwise top unset key set size ratio 0 0.5,0.5 set xrange [ 0.00000 : 10.0000 ] noreverse set yrange [ 0.00000 : 10.0000 ] noreverse f(t,r) = r*cos(t+20*r)**2 NO_ANIMATION = 1 array data[1] = [] rmax = 10 dr = 10.0 tmax = 180 dt = 10 r = 360.0 STATS_records = 7 STATS_invalid = 0 STATS_headers = 0 STATS_blank = 0 STATS_blocks = 1 STATS_outofrange = 0 STATS_columns = 3 STATS_mean = 51.4285714285714 STATS_stddev = 26.954231805876 STATS_ssd = 29.11389784311 STATS_skewness = 0.285842124945535 STATS_kurtosis = 2.39890796616589 STATS_adev = 21.6326530612245 STATS_mean_err = 10.1877420198765 STATS_stddev_err = 7.20382146723379 STATS_skewness_err = 0.925820099772551 STATS_kurtosis_err = 1.8516401995451 STATS_sum = 360.0 STATS_sumsq = 23600.0 STATS_min = 10.0 STATS_max = 100.0 STATS_median = 50.0 STATS_lo_quartile = 30.0 STATS_up_quartile = 70.0 STATS_index_min = 6 STATS_index_max = 0 fac = 1.0 ## Last datafile plotted: "@@" ## Last plot was a multiplot # saved multiplot set multiplot layout 2,2 set size noratio plot data using (20):(6):(50):(3) with sectors lc rgb "gray30" lw 2 fill solid 0.5 border, data using (20):(6):(360):(3) with sectors lc rgb "gray30" lw 1, data using (0.5):(2):("noratio\nunits xy") with labels left set size ratio -1 plot data using (20):(6):(50):(3) with sectors lc rgb "gray30" lw 2 fill solid 0.5 border, data using (20):(6):(360):(3) with sectors lc rgb "gray30" lw 1, data using (0.5):(2):("ratio -1\nunits xy") with labels left set size noratio plot data using (20):(6):(50):(3) with sectors units xx lc rgb "gray30" lw 2 fill solid 0.5 border, data using (20):(6):(360):(3) with sectors units xx lc rgb "gray30" lw 1, data using (0.5):(2):("noratio\nunits xx") with labels left set size noratio plot data using (20):(6):(50):(3) with sectors units yy lc rgb "gray30" lw 2 fill solid 0.5 border, data using (20):(6):(360):(3) with sectors units yy lc rgb "gray30" lw 1, data using (0.5):(2):("noratio\nunits yy") with labels left unset multiplot