# set terminal pngcairo transparent enhanced font "arial,10" fontscale 1.0 size 600, 400 # set output 'spotlight.1.png' unset border set dummy u, v unset key set parametric set view 90, 0, 1.6, 1 set view equal xyz set samples 95, 95 set isosamples 95, 95 set style data lines set xyplane at 0 unset xtics unset ytics unset ztics unset cbtics unset rtics set title "In interactive terminals,\nHot keys x/X and y/Y move red spotlight" set pm3d depthorder set pm3d lighting primary 0.5 specular 0.2 spec2 0.5 set pm3d spotlight rgb 0xff0044 rot_x 35 rot_z 0 Phong 10.0 unset colorbox NO_ANIMATION = 1 spot_x = 35 spot_z = 0 splot cos(u)*cos(v),cos(u)*sin(v),sin(u) with pm3d fc "gray"