# set terminal pngcairo transparent enhanced font "arial,10" fontscale 1.0 size 600, 400 # set output 'zerror.2.png' set style fill solid 1.00 noborder set format z "%.1f" unset key set view 66, 200, 1, 1 set xyplane relative 0 unset xtics unset ytics set title "fence plot constructed with zerrorfill" set xlabel "X axis" set xlabel font "" textcolor lt -1 rotate parallel set ylabel "Y axis" set ylabel offset character -4, 0, 0 font "" textcolor lt -1 rotate parallel set pm3d depthorder base sinc(u,v) = sin(sqrt(u**2+v**2)) / sqrt(u**2+v**2) NO_ANIMATION = 1 ## Last datafile plotted: "+" splot for [i=-5:4][y=-50:50:5] '+' using (i):($1/100.):(-1):(-1):(sinc($1/10., 1.+i)) with zerrorfill