# set terminal canvas rounded size 600,400 enhanced fsize 10 lw 1.6 fontscale 1 name "nonlinear1_1" jsdir "." # set output 'nonlinear1.1.js' set border 3 front lt black linewidth 1.000 dashtype solid unset key set arrow 500 from 100.000, graph 0, 0 to 500.000, graph 0, 0 nohead front nofilled linecolor -3 linewidth 2.000 dashtype solid set arrow 501 from 100.000, graph 0, 0 length graph 0.01 angle 75 nohead front nofilled linewidth 2.000 dashtype solid set arrow 502 from 100.000, graph 0, 0 length graph -0.01 angle 75 nohead front nofilled linewidth 2.000 dashtype solid set arrow 503 from 500.000, graph 0, 0 length graph 0.01 angle 75 nohead front nofilled linewidth 2.000 dashtype solid set arrow 504 from 500.000, graph 0, 0 length graph -0.01 angle 75 nohead front nofilled linewidth 2.000 dashtype solid set style data lines set xtics border in scale 1,0.5 nomirror rotate by -90 autojustify set xtics norangelimit 50 set ytics border in scale 1,0.5 nomirror norotate autojustify set title "A 'broken' x axis can be defined using 'set nonlinear x'" set xrange [ 15.0000 : 600.000 ] noreverse writeback noextend set x2range [ * : * ] noreverse writeback set yrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback set y2range [ * : * ] noreverse writeback set zrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback set cbrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback set rrange [ * : * ] noreverse writeback set nonlinear x via f(x) inverse g(x) f(x) = (x <= 100) ? x : (x < 500) ? NaN : (x - 400 + axis_gap) g(x) = (x <= 100) ? x : (x < 100 + axis_gap) ? NaN : (x + 400 - axis_gap) axis_gap = 25.0 ## Last datafile plotted: "silver.dat" plot 'silver.dat' with yerrorbars lw 2, '' with lines