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gnuplot demo script: steps.dem

autogenerated by on Thu Aug 31 12:36:07 2023
gnuplot version gnuplot 6.1 patchlevel 0
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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
# Illustrate three variants of step plots - same data, three styles
#    plot with steps 
#    plot with fsteps 
#    plot with histeps 
#    plot with fillsteps 

set title "Compare steps, fsteps and histeps"
set key left

plot [0:12][0:13] "steps.dat" notitle with points ps 2 pt 6,  \
 "steps.dat" title 'steps' with steps, \
 'steps.dat' title 'fsteps' with fsteps, \
 'steps.dat' title 'histeps' with histeps

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
set title "Histogram built from unsorted data by 'smooth frequency'"
set ylabel 'counts per bin'
set xlabel 'bins'
set key right
plot 'hemisphr.dat' u (floor($1*20)):(1) smooth frequency with histeps title "with histeps"

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot

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          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
set style fill solid 1.0
plot 'hemisphr.dat' u (floor($1*20)):(1) smooth freq with fillsteps title "with fillsteps"

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot