autogenerated by on Mon Feb 10 15:17:19 2025 gnuplot version gnuplot 6.0 patchlevel 3alpha
set title "Fsteps plot\nwith date and time as x-values"
set style data fsteps
set xlabel "Date\nTime"
set timefmt "%d/%m/%y\t%H%M"
set yrange [ 0 : ]
set xdata time
set xrange [ "1/6/93":"1/11/93" ]
set ylabel "Concentration\nmg/l"
set format x "%d/%m\n%H:%M"
set grid
set key left
plot 'timedat.dat' using 1:3 t '', \
'timedat.dat' using 1:3 t 'Total P' with points, \
'timedat.dat' using 1:4 t '', \
'timedat.dat' using 1:4 t 'PO4' with points
Click here for minimal script to generate this plot
set title "Time data on Y, millisecond precision" font ",14"
set ydata time
set timefmt "%s"
set offset 0.5,1.5,.2,.2
unset key
fulltime(col) = strftime("%d %b %Y\n%H:%M:%.3S",column(col))
parttime(col) = strftime("%H:%M:%.3S",column(col))
plot '-' using 0:1:(fulltime(1)):xticlabels(2):yticlabels(parttime(1)) \
with labels point pt 7 left offset 1,1 font ",7"
1390852607.1 A
1390852607.2 B
1390852607.4 C
1390852607.8 D
1390852608.4 E
1390852610.001 F
Click here for minimal script to generate this plot
set title "Date format (top) vs Time format (bottom)" font ":Bold,14"
set xrange [-7000:3000]
set link x2
set tics font ",8"
set x2tics format "%D\n%R" time
set xtics format "%tH:%tM:%tS" time
set mxtics time 5 min
set mx2tics time 5 min
set yzeroaxis
unset ytics
set bmargin at screen .3
set tmargin at screen .6
plot x notitle
Click here for minimal script to generate this plot