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gnuplot demo script: hsteps_histogram.dem

autogenerated by on Mon Aug 26 08:38:29 2024
gnuplot version gnuplot 6.1 last modified 2024-08-25
# Two plot style options "with hsteps link" and "with hsteps pillar"
# can be combined to create a stacked histogram with connecting lines
# between category boundaries.

set title "Stacked histogram constructed from plot style hsteps"

$data <<EOD
1 2018 60 30
2 2019 65 35
3 2020 61 25
4 2021 57 33
5 2022 65 40
6 2023 62 20

set xrange [0:7]
set yrange [0:80]
unset ytics
set xtics scale 0
set border 3 lw 2 front
set bmargin 4
unset key

set style line 11 linecolor 'gray50' linewidth 2 dashtype (4,10) 
set style line 12 linecolor variable linewidth 2 dashtype solid

plot $data using 1:3:(0.5):xtic(2) ls 11 with hsteps link, \
     $data using 1:3:(0.5):1       ls 12 with hsteps pillar fs solid 0.5 border, \
     $data using 1:4:(0.5)         ls 11 with hsteps link, \
     $data using 1:4:(0.5):1       ls 12 with hsteps pillar fs transparent pattern 1 border

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot
