# set terminal svg size 600,400 dynamic enhanced font 'arial,10' mousing name "map_projection_2" butt dashlength 1.0 # set output 'map_projection.2.svg' unset border set angles degrees set key at screen 0.98, 0.95 right top vertical Right noreverse enhanced autotitle nobox set key noinvert samplen 0.3 spacing 1 width 0 height 0 set size ratio 0.5 1,1 set style data lines unset xtics unset ytics set title "{/:Bold Hammer} equal-area map projection" set xrange [ -3.14159 : 3.14159 ] noreverse set yrange [ -1.57080 : 1.57080 ] noreverse set lmargin 1 set rmargin 1 α(λ,φ) = acos(cos(φ) * cos(λ/2.)) x_W3(λ, φ) = 0.5 * (λ*cos(φ1) + (2*cos(φ)*sin(λ/2.))/sinc(α(λ,φ))) y_W3(λ, φ) = 0.5 * (φ + sin(φ)/sinc(α(λ,φ))) x_Hammer(λ, φ) = (2*sqrt(2)*cos(φ)*sin(λ/2)) / sqrt(1.0 + cos(φ)*cos(λ/2)) y_Hammer(λ, φ) = sqrt(2)*sin(φ) / sqrt(1.0 + cos(φ)*cos(λ/2)) Z(x,y) = sqrt( 1.0 - (x/4)**2 - (y/2)**2 ) lon(x,y) = 2. * atan( x*Z(x,y) / (4*Z(x,y)**2 - 2) ) lat(x,y) = asin(Z(x,y)*y) NO_ANIMATION = 1 π = 3.14159265358979 φ1 = 0.880689235420357 ## Last datafile plotted: "world.dat" plot for [λ=-180:180:10] [φ=-90:90] '+' using (x_Hammer(λ,φ)):(y_Hammer(λ,φ)) with lines lc "cyan" lw .5 notitle, for [φ = -90:90:30] [λ=-180:180:10] '+' using (x_Hammer(λ,φ)):(y_Hammer(λ,φ)) with lines lc "cyan" lw .5 notitle, 'world.dat' using (x_Hammer($1,$2)):(y_Hammer($1,$2)) with filledcurve fc "brown" title "fill", 'world.dat' using (x_Hammer($1,$2)):(y_Hammer($1,$2)) with lines lc "black" title "outline"