# set terminal svg size 600,400 dynamic enhanced font 'arial,10' mousing name "nonlinear3_1" butt dashlength 1.0 # set output 'nonlinear3.1.svg' unset border unset key set label 1 "Tux" at graph 0.5, 0.4, 0 center norotate font "Times:Bold" front nopoint set style data lines unset xtics unset ytics set ztics border out scale 1,0.5 nomirror norotate autojustify set cbtics border out scale 1,0.5 nomirror norotate autojustify set rtics axis out scale 1,0.5 nomirror norotate autojustify set title "Linear Scale" set title offset character 0, -1, 0 font "" textcolor lt -1 norotate set xrange [ -6.00000 : 134.000 ] noreverse set yrange [ -6.00000 : 134.000 ] noreverse f(x) = norm((x-center)/sigma) g(x) = sigma*invnorm(x)+center tic(x) = center + sigma * x NO_ANIMATION = 1 save_encoding_3 = "utf8" sigma = 60.0 ticinterval = 1 save_encoding = "utf8" center = 64.0 ## Last datafile plotted: "blutux.rgb" ## Last plot was a multiplot # saved multiplot set multiplot layout 2,2 title "Probability axes: Scale image pixels by distance from center treated as a Z-score" set title "Sigma = 22 pixels" sigma = 22. ticinterval = 2 save_encoding = GPVAL_ENCODING set encoding utf8 set label 1 "Tux (probably)" font "Times:Bold" set label 1 at graph 0.5, 0.4 center front set xrange [-6:134] set yrange [-6:134] unset key if (!exists("sigma")) sigma = 20. center = 64. if (!exists("ticinterval")) ticinterval = 1 f(x) = norm((x-center)/sigma) g(x) = sigma*invnorm(x)+center tic(x) = center + sigma * x set xtics ("" 64) do for [i=-3:3:ticinterval] {; set xtics add (sprintf("%dσ",i) tic(real(i)), "" tic(real(i)+.5) 1); } set ytics ("" 64) do for [i=-3:3:ticinterval] {; set ytics add (sprintf("%dσ",i) tic(real(i)), "" tic(real(i)+.5) 1); } set tics out nomirror set nonlinear x via f(x) inverse g(x) set nonlinear y via f(y) inverse g(y) plot 'blutux.rgb' binary array=(128,128) flipy format='%uchar' with rgbimage pixels set encoding save_encoding load 'probably_tux.dem' set title "Sigma = 30 pixels" sigma = 30. ticinterval = 1 save_encoding = GPVAL_ENCODING set encoding utf8 set label 1 "Tux (probably)" font "Times:Bold" set label 1 at graph 0.5, 0.4 center front set xrange [-6:134] set yrange [-6:134] unset key if (!exists("sigma")) sigma = 20. center = 64. if (!exists("ticinterval")) ticinterval = 1 f(x) = norm((x-center)/sigma) g(x) = sigma*invnorm(x)+center tic(x) = center + sigma * x set xtics ("" 64) do for [i=-3:3:ticinterval] {; set xtics add (sprintf("%dσ",i) tic(real(i)), "" tic(real(i)+.5) 1); } set ytics ("" 64) do for [i=-3:3:ticinterval] {; set ytics add (sprintf("%dσ",i) tic(real(i)), "" tic(real(i)+.5) 1); } set tics out nomirror set nonlinear x via f(x) inverse g(x) set nonlinear y via f(y) inverse g(y) plot 'blutux.rgb' binary array=(128,128) flipy format='%uchar' with rgbimage pixels set encoding save_encoding load 'probably_tux.dem' set title "Sigma = 60 pixels" sigma = 60. save_encoding = GPVAL_ENCODING set encoding utf8 set label 1 "Tux (probably)" font "Times:Bold" set label 1 at graph 0.5, 0.4 center front set xrange [-6:134] set yrange [-6:134] unset key if (!exists("sigma")) sigma = 20. center = 64. if (!exists("ticinterval")) ticinterval = 1 f(x) = norm((x-center)/sigma) g(x) = sigma*invnorm(x)+center tic(x) = center + sigma * x set xtics ("" 64) do for [i=-3:3:ticinterval] {; set xtics add (sprintf("%dσ",i) tic(real(i)), "" tic(real(i)+.5) 1); } set ytics ("" 64) do for [i=-3:3:ticinterval] {; set ytics add (sprintf("%dσ",i) tic(real(i)), "" tic(real(i)+.5) 1); } set tics out nomirror set nonlinear x via f(x) inverse g(x) set nonlinear y via f(y) inverse g(y) plot 'blutux.rgb' binary array=(128,128) flipy format='%uchar' with rgbimage pixels set encoding save_encoding load 'probably_tux.dem' set title "Linear Scale" set label 1 "Tux" set xlabel " " set ylabel " " unset nonlinear x unset nonlinear y unset xtics unset ytics plot 'blutux.rgb' binary array=(128,128) flipy format='%uchar' with rgbimage pixels unset multiplot