# set terminal svg size 600,400 dynamic enhanced font 'arial,10' mousing name "sectors_3" butt dashlength 1.0 # set output 'sectors.3.svg' unset border set dummy t, y set angles degrees set theta clockwise top unset key set label 1 "Multiple sector plots\npositioned on a polar graph" at screen 0.1, 0.9, 0 left norotate back nopoint set label 2 "TOTAL\n88" at 0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000 center norotate back nopoint set polar set polar grid 24, 10 qnorm 1 theta [0:360] r [0:*] set size ratio -1 1,1 unset xtics unset ytics unset ztics unset cbtics unset rtics set xrange [ -18.0000 : 18.0000 ] noreverse set yrange [ -18.0000 : 18.0000 ] noreverse set lmargin at screen 0.3 f(t,r) = r*cos(t+20*r)**2 NO_ANIMATION = 1 array data[1] = [] rmax = 10 dr = 40.9090909090909 tmax = 180 dt = 10 r = 360.0 STATS_records = 5 STATS_invalid = 0 STATS_headers = 0 STATS_blank = 0 STATS_blocks = 1 STATS_outofrange = 0 STATS_columns = 4 STATS_mean = 17.6 STATS_stddev = 5.67802782663136 STATS_ssd = 6.34822809924155 STATS_skewness = -0.170698488775423 STATS_kurtosis = 1.44025577400267 STATS_adev = 5.28 STATS_mean_err = 2.53929123969662 STATS_stddev_err = 1.79555005499708 STATS_skewness_err = 1.09544511501033 STATS_kurtosis_err = 2.19089023002066 STATS_sum = 88.0 STATS_sumsq = 1710.0 STATS_min = 10.0 STATS_max = 25.0 STATS_median = 20.0 STATS_lo_quartile = 12.0 STATS_up_quartile = 21.0 STATS_index_min = 4 STATS_index_max = 2 fac = 4.09090909090909 ## Last datafile plotted: "$data2" plot $data2 using 5:(3):6:(4) with sectors fc rgb 'blue' lw 2 fill solid 0.2 border lc bgnd, $data2 using 5:(7):6:(8) with sectors fc rgb 'blue' lw 2 fill solid 0.2 border lc bgnd, $data2 using 5:(15):6:(3) with sectors fc rgb 'blue' lw 2 fill solid 0.2 border lc bgnd, $data2 using ($5+$6/2):(16.5):(strcol(1)) with labels center font ",9", $data2 using ($5+$6/2):(5):(sprintf("%.0f%%",100*$2/STATS_sum)) with labels center font ",9", $data2 using ($5+$6/2):(11.1):(sprintf("%.0f%%",100*$3/$2)) with labels center font ",9", $data2 using (0):(1.7):(361):(1.3):($5+$6/2):(11) with sectors fill solid 0.1 noborder fc bgnd, $data2 using (0):(1.7):($3/$2*360):(1.3):($5+$6/2):(11) with sectors fill solid 0.4 noborder fc rgb "red"