# set terminal svg size 600,400 dynamic enhanced font 'arial,10' mousing name "sectors_7" butt dashlength 1.0 # set output 'sectors.7.svg' unset border set angles degrees set theta clockwise left unset key unset xtics unset ytics unset ztics unset cbtics unset rtics set title "Dial charts drawn with sectors" set xrange [ -10.0000 : 10.0000 ] noreverse set yrange [ -8.00000 : 12.0000 ] noreverse f(t,r) = r*cos(t+20*r)**2 NO_ANIMATION = 1 array data[1] = [] rmax = 10 dr = 10.0 tmax = 180 dt = 10 r = 360.0 STATS_records = 7 STATS_invalid = 0 STATS_headers = 0 STATS_blank = 0 STATS_blocks = 1 STATS_outofrange = 0 STATS_columns = 3 STATS_mean = 51.4285714285714 STATS_stddev = 26.954231805876 STATS_ssd = 29.11389784311 STATS_skewness = 0.285842124945535 STATS_kurtosis = 2.39890796616589 STATS_adev = 21.6326530612245 STATS_mean_err = 10.1877420198765 STATS_stddev_err = 7.20382146723379 STATS_skewness_err = 0.925820099772551 STATS_kurtosis_err = 1.8516401995451 STATS_sum = 360.0 STATS_sumsq = 23600.0 STATS_min = 10.0 STATS_max = 100.0 STATS_median = 50.0 STATS_lo_quartile = 30.0 STATS_up_quartile = 70.0 STATS_index_min = 6 STATS_index_max = 0 fac = 1.0 ## Last datafile plotted: "$data" plot $data using (0):(1.5):(180):(2):1:2 with sectors units xx fc rgb 'gray' fill solid 1, $data using (0):(1.5):($3/100*180):(2):1:2 with sectors units xx fc rgb 'blue' fill solid 1, $data using 1:2:(strcol(3)) with labels offset 0,0.5