Credits Overview Plotting Styles Commands Terminals


     Call site
         MYFILE = ""
         FUNC = "sin(x)"
         call MYFILE FUNC 1.23 "This is a plot title"
     Upon entry to the called script
         ARG0 holds ""
         ARG1 holds the string "sin(x)"
         ARG2 holds the string "1.23"
         ARG3 holds the string "This is a plot title"
         ARGC is 3
     The script itself can now execute
         plot @ARG1 with lines title ARG3
         print ARG2 * 4.56, @ARG2 * 4.56
         print "This plot produced by script ", ARG0

Notice that because ARG1 is a string it must be dereferenced as a macro, but ARG2 may be dereferenced either as a macro (yielding a numerical constant) or a variable (yielding that same numerical value after auto-promotion of the string "1.23" to a real).

The same result could be obtained directly from a shell script by invoking gnuplot with the -c command line option:

     gnuplot -persist -c "" "sin(x)" 1.23 "This is a plot title"