The color scheme, i.e. the gradient of the smooth color with min_z and max_z values of pm3d's palette, is drawn in a color box unless unset colorbox.
set colorbox set colorbox { { vertical | horizontal } { default | user } { origin x, y } { size x, y } { noborder | bdefault | border [line style] } } show colorbox unset colorbox
Colorbox position can be default or user. If the latter is specified the values as given with the origin and size subcommands are used.
vertical and horizontal switches the orientation of the color gradient.
origin x, y and size x, y are used only in combination with the user
option. The x and y values are interpreted as screen coordinates by default,
and this is the only legal option for 3D plots. 2D plots, including splot with
set view map, allow any coordinate system to be specified. Try for example:
set colorbox horiz user origin .1,.02 size .8,.04
border turns the border on (this is the default). noborder turns the border
off. If an positive integer argument is given after border, it is used as a
line style tag which is used for drawing the border, e.g.:
set style line 2604 linetype -1 linewidth .4 set colorbox border 2604
The axis of the color box is called cb and it is controlled by means of the usual axes commands, i.e. set/unset/show with cbrange, [m]cbtics, format cb, grid [m]cb, cblabel, and perhaps even cbdata, [no]cbdtics, [no]cbmtics.
set colorbox without any parameter switches the position to default. unset colorbox resets the default parameters for the colorbox and switches the colorbox off.
See also help for set pm3d (p. ), set palette (p.
), x11 pm3d (p.
), and set style line (p.