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The boxerrorbars style is only relevant to 2-d data plotting. It is a
combination of the boxes and yerrorbars styles. The boxwidth will come
from the fourth column if the y errors are in the form of "ydelta" and the
boxwidth was not previously set equal to -2.0 (set boxwidth -2.0) or from
the fifth column if the y errors are in the form of "ylow yhigh". The
special case boxwidth = -2.0 is for four-column data with y errors in the
form "ylow yhigh". In this case the boxwidth will be calculated so that each
box touches the adjacent boxes. The width will also be calculated in cases
where three-column data are used.
The box height is determined from the y error in the same way as it is for
the yerrorbars style -- either from y-ydelta to y+ydelta or from ylow to
yhigh, depending on how many data columns are provided.
See also demo.
Ethan Merritt