set style histogram cluster plot newhistogram "Set A", 'a' using 1, '' using 2, '' using 3, \ newhistogram "Set B", 'b' using 1, '' using 2, '' using 3
The labels "Set A" and "Set B" will appear beneath the respective sets of histograms, under the overall x axis label.
The newhistogram command can also be used to force histogram coloring to
begin with a specific color (linetype). By default colors will continue to
increment successively even across histogram boundaries. Here is an example
using the same coloring for multiple histograms
plot newhistogram "Set A" lt 4, 'a' using 1, '' using 2, '' using 3, \ newhistogram "Set B" lt 4, 'b' using 1, '' using 2, '' using 3