Credits Overview Plotting Styles Commands Terminals


The dumb terminal driver plots into a text block using ascii characters. It has an optional size specification and a trailing linefeed flag.


      set terminal dumb {size <xchars>,<ychars>} {[no]feed}
                        {aspect <htic>{,<vtic>}}
                        {fillchar {solid|"<char>"}}

where <xchars> and <ychars> set the size of the text block. The default is 79 by 24. The last newline is printed only if feed is enabled.

The aspect option can be used to control the aspect ratio of the plot by setting the length of the horizontal and vertical tic marks. Only integer values are allowed. Default is 2,1 -- corresponding to the aspect ratio of common screen fonts.

The character "#" is used for area-fill. You can replace this with any character available in the terminal font. fillchar solid is short for fillchar "\U+2588" (unicode FULL BLOCK).

The ansi, ansi256, and ansirgb options will include escape sequences in the output to handle colors. Note that these might not be handled by your terminal. Default is mono. To obtain the best color match in ansi mode, you should use set colorsequence classic. Depending on the mode, the dumb terminal will emit the following sequences (without the additional whitespace):

      ESC [ 0 m           reset attributes to defaults
      foreground color:
      ESC [ 1 m           set intense/bold
      ESC [ 22 m          intense/bold off
      ESC [ <fg> m        with color code 30 <= <fg> <= 37
      ESC [ 39 m          reset to default
      ESC [ 38; 5; <c> m  with palette index 16 <= <c> <= 255
      ESC [ 38; 2; <r>; <g>; <b> m  with components 0 <= <r,g,b> <= 255
      background color:
      ESC [ <bg> m        with color code 40 <= <bg> <= 47
      ESC [ 49 m          reset to default
      ESC [ 48; 5; <c> m  with palette index 16 <= <c> <= 231
      ESC [ 48; 2; <r>; <g>; <b> m  with components 0 <= <r,g,b> <= 255

See also e.g. the description at

The attributes option enables bold and italic text on terminals or emulators that support the escape sequences

      ESC [ 1 m / 22 m    for bold on/off and
      ESC [ 3 m / 23 m    for italic on /off.


      set term dumb mono size 60,15 aspect 1
      set tics nomirror scale 0.5
      plot [-5:6.5] sin(x) with impulse ls -1
          1 +-------------------------------------------------+
        0.8 +|||++                   ++||||++                 |
        0.6 +|||||+                 ++|||||||+  sin(x) +----+ |
        0.4 +||||||+               ++|||||||||+               |
        0.2 +|||||||+             ++|||||||||||+             +|
          0 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++|
       -0.2 +        +|||||||||||+              +|||||||||||+ |
       -0.4 +         +|||||||||+                +|||||||||+  |
       -0.6 +          +|||||||+                  +|||||||+   |
       -0.8 +           ++||||+                    ++||||+    |
         -1 +---+--------+--------+-------+--------+--------+-+
               -4       -2        0       2        4        6