Credits Overview Plotting Styles Commands Terminals


The pstricks driver is intended for use with the "pstricks.sty" macro package for TeX or LaTeX. You need "pstricks.sty", and, of course, a printer that understands PostScript, or a converter such as Ghostscript.

PSTricks is available at This driver definitely does not come close to using the full capability of the PSTricks package.


      set terminal pstricks
                     {unit | size <XX>{unit},<YY>{unit}}
                     {standalone | input}
                     {blacktext | colortext | colourtext}
                     {linewidth <lw>} {rounded | butt}
                     {pointscale <ps>}
                     {psarrows | gparrows}
                     {background <rgbcolor>}
                     {pstricks | pdftricks2}

The unit option produces a plot with internal dimensions 1x1. The default is a plot of size 5in,3in.

standalone produces a LaTeX file with possibly multiple plots, ready to be compiled. The default is input to produce a TeX file which can be included.

blacktext forces all text to be written in black. colortext enables colored text. The default is blacktext.

rounded sets line caps and line joins to be rounded. butt sets butt caps and mitered joins and is the default.

linewidth and pointscale scale the width of lines and the size of point symbols, respectively.

psarrows draws arrows using PSTricks commands which are shorter but do not offer all options. gparrows selects drawing arrows using gnuplot's own routine for full functionality instead.

With the option pdftricks2 you can create output for the pdftricks2 macro package, which can be used with pdflatex/lualatex. Otherwise, output for the pstricks package with traditional tex/latex or xelatex is produced.

The old hacktext option has been replaced by the new default format (%h), see format specifiers.

Transparency requires support by Ghostscript or conversion to PDF.