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The webp terminal generates either a single frame or an animation. The actual drawing is done via cairo, a 2D graphics library, and pango, a library for laying out and rendering text.


        set term webp
                     {size <x_pixels>,<y_pixels>}
                     {font <font>} {fontscale <scale>} {{no}enhanced}
                     {{no}transparent} {background <rgbcolor>
                     {linewidth <lw>} {rounded|butt|square} {dashlength <dl>}
                     {pointscale <ps>}
                     {{no}animate {quality <q>} {delay <msec>} {loop <n>}}

Individual frames produced by the webp terminal are first created as 32-bit RGB + alpha channel images using routines shared with the pngcairo terminal. See set term pngcairo for more details about font and terminal options. The frames are then converted to webp format on output.

The animate option produces a webp file containing multiple frames, each one created by a separate plot or splot command. The animation sequence is terminated by the next set output or set terminal command.

quality (1..100) affects the size of the output file. q values from 1 to 74 use lossy compression; smaller values produce a smaller file at the cost of lost detail in the rendered image. q values from 75 to 100 use lossless compression. All produce the same image quality (lossless!). Larger values spend more computing time for diminishing benefit in reduced file size. The default is 75, lossless compression without excessive computation.

The delay suboption sets the delay time in milliseconds between frames during playback (default 50 milliseconds).

The loop suboption specifies how many times the animation sequence should be repeated during playback. The default (0) gives a continuous loop.