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The filledcurves style is available in both 2D and (since version 6.1) 3D.
The 2D style has three variants. The first two variants require either a single function or two columns (x,y) of input data.
Syntax for 2D:
plot f(x) with filledcurves [option] plot DATA using 1:2 with filledcurves [option] plot DATA using 1:2:3 with filledcurves [option]
where the option can be one of the following
closed {above|below} x1 x2 y r=<a> xy=<x>,<y> between
The first variant, closed, treats the curve itself as a closed polygon. This is the default if there are two columns of input data.
filledcurves closed ... just filled closed curve,
The second variant is to fill the area between the curve and a given axis, a horizontal or vertical line, or a point. This can be further restricted to filling the area above or below the specified line.
filledcurves x1 ... x1 axis, filledcurves x2 ... x2 axis, etc for y1 and y2 axes, filledcurves y=42 ... line at y=42, i.e. parallel to x axis, filledcurves xy=10,20 ... point 10,20 of x1,y1 axes (arc-like shape). filledcurves above r=1.5 the area of a polar plot outside radius 1.5
The third variant fills the area between two curves sampled at the same set of x coordinates. It requires three columns of input data (x, y1, y2). This is the default if there are three or more columns of input data.
If you have a y value in column 2 and an associated error value in column 3 the three column variant can be used in combination with a solid line to show the area of uncertainty on either side of that line. See also the similar 3D plot style zerrorfill.
plot $DAT using 1:($2-$3):($2+$3) with filledcurves, \ $DAT using 1:2 smooth mcs with lines
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