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extra key entries


Normally each plot autogenerates a single line entry in the key. If you need more control over what appears in the key you can use the keyentry keyword in the plot or splot command to insert extra lines. Instead of providing a filename or function to plot, use keyentry as a placeholder followed by plot style information (used to generate a key symbol) and a title. All the usual options for title font, text color, at coordinates, and enhanced text markup apply. Example:

     set key outside right center
     plot $HEATMAP matrix with image notitle, \
          keyentry "Outcomes" left, \
          keyentry with boxes fc palette cb 0 title "no effect", \
          keyentry with boxes fc palette cb 1 title "threshold", \
          keyentry with boxes fc palette cb 3 title "typical range", \
          keyentry                            title "as reported in [12]", \
          keyentry with boxes fc palette cb 5 title "strong effect"

The line generated by keyentry "Outcomes" left places left-justified text in the space that would normally hold the sample. This allows an embedded title that may span the full width of the key. If a title is given also in the same keyentry then both strings appear on the same line, allowing generation of two-column key entries. You can use keywords left/right/center for justification, boxed, etc. Example:

     plot ..., keyentry "West Linn" boxed title "locations"