Credits Overview Plotting Styles Commands Terminals

set style watchpoint


     set style watchpoint nolabels
     set style watchpoint labels {label-options}

The watchpoint target "mouse" always prints a label to the plot. Other watchpoint targets either print or do not print a label depending on whether the style is set to label or nolabel.

The appearance of watchpoint labels can be customized using the full range of label properties available to other gnuplot labels, including font, textcolor, point type and size of a point marking the exact x,y coordinates. See set label.

Currently the text of the label is always autogenerated by the program using the axis tic formats for the current plot to produce the string " x-coordinate : y-coordinate".


     set style watchpoint labels point pt 4 ps 2
     set style watchpoint labels font ":Italic,6" textcolor "blue"
     set style watchpoint labels boxed offset 1, 0.5