Credits Overview Plotting Styles Commands Terminals


The command set timestamp places the current time and date in the plot margin.


      set timestamp {"<format>"} {top|bottom} {{no}rotate}
                    {offset <xoff>{,<yoff>}} {font "<fontspec>"}
                    {textcolor <colorspec>}
      unset timestamp
      show timestamp

The format string is used to write the date and time. Its default value is what asctime() uses: "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y" (weekday, month name, day of the month, hours, minutes, seconds, four-digit year). With top or bottom you can place the timestamp along the top left or bottom left margin (default: bottom). rotate writes the timestamp vertically. The constants <xoff> and <yoff> are offsets that let you adjust the position more finely. <font> is used to specify the font with which the time is to be written.


      set timestamp "%d/%m/%y %H:%M" offset 80,-2 font "Helvetica"

See set timefmt for more information about time format strings.