Credits Overview Plotting Styles Commands Terminals


The "set mark" command defines a mark identified by a tag value N that is an integer >= 0. Once defined, the mark can either be used by plot style "with marks" or placed on subsequent plots by defining an object using "set object mark marktype N". The "plot" or "set object" command may resize, rotate, or recolor the mark so that a single mark definition can provide a family of symbols when rendered. See for example marks examples parametric.


     set mark N empty                creates an empty mark with default properties
     set mark N empty {properties}   creates an empty mark with the requested properties
     set mark N <data> {properties}  replaces the vertices and properties of mark N if it exists,
                                     otherwise creates a new mark N with the requested vertices
                                     and properties
     set mark N append <data>        adds new vertices to those already present in mark N

Mark properties may be set individually or provided in the same command as the mark data.

     set mark N title "XXX"                  associate a title string with mark N
     set mark N fillcolor <colorspec>        associate a fillcolor with mark N
     set mark N fillstyle <fillstyle>        associate a fillstyle with mark N

The <data> portion of a set mark command is very similar to the <data> portion of a plot command. Coordinates may be read from a file, a datablock, an array, or generated parametrically by sampling from pseudofile '+'. Details are described elsewhere. See marks data.


     array Square = [{-1,-1}, { 1,-1}, { 1, 1}, {-1, 1}, {-1,-1}]
     set mark 101 Square title "Gray Box" fillcolor "gray" fillstyle solid noborder
     set mark 102 Square title "Empty Blue Box" fillstyle empty border lc "blue"

If a mark is given a fillcolor and fillstyle when it is defined by set mark, these take precedence over any fill properties in a plot or object that the mark appears in. If no fillstyle is given in set mark the mark will be rendered with the style given in the plot command or set object if there is one, otherwise it will use the global setting from set style fill.

Lines in the marks are drawn with the same color as the fillstyle border, if there is one. CAVEAT: If the mark is stroked but the active fillstyle is "noborder", the line color may not be what you intended. It wili probably be black.