Credits Overview Plotting Styles Commands Terminals



      ... {lc|fc|tc} palette {z}
      ... {lc|fc|tc} palette frac <fraction>
      ... {lc|fc|tc} palette cb <fixed z-value>
      ... fc palette <colormap>

The palette defines a range of colors with gray values between 0 and 1. palette frac <fraction> selects the color with gray value <fraction>.

palette cb <z-value> selects the single color whose fractional gray value is (z - cbmin) / (cbmax - cbmin).

palette and palette z both map the z coordinate of the plot element being colored onto the current palette. If z is outside cbrange it is by default mapped to palette fraction 0 or palette fraction 1. If the option set pm3d noclipcb is set, then quadrangles in a pm3d plot whose z values are out of range will not be drawn at all.

fillcolor palette <colormap> maps the z coordinate of a plot element onto a previously saved named colormap instead of using the current palette. See set colormap.

If the colormap has a separate range associated with it, that range is used to map z values analogous to the use of cbrange to map the standard palette. If there is no separate range for this colormap then cbrange is used.