Credits Overview Plotting Styles Commands Terminals

Example: windbarbs


This example shows how the 5-column form of "plot with marks" can be used to control the position, scale, and rotation of marks. Each barb is made up of several line segments. Some also contain a solid-fill triangular flag. Coordinates in the range [0:1] are provided in data blocks (see marks data). The plot command then applies a uniform scale and variable rotation.

The three windbarb marks shown here are extracted from the full set used by windbarbs.dem

windbarbs demo

     # Windbarbs representing 5, 25, and 50 knot wind speed
     # rotated and uniformly scaled by the 5-column form of the plot command
     #     plot with marks using x:y:scale:scale:angle units gxx
     $MARK_5 <<EOM
     0        0        1
     0        1        1
     0        0.870    1
     0.235    0.956    1
     $MARK_25 <<EOM
     0        0        1
     0        1        1
     0        1        1
     0.470    1.171    1
     0        0.870    1
     0.470    1.041    1
     0        0.740    1
     0.235    0.826    1
     $MARK_50 <<EOM
     0        0        1
     0        1.100    1
     0        0.900    3
     0.470    1.071    3
     0        1.100    3
     0        0.900    3
     set mark  5 $MARK_5   title " 5 knots" fill solid
     set mark 25 $MARK_25  title "25 knots" fill solid
     set mark 50 $MARK_50  title "50 knots" fill solid
     unset border; unset tics
     set key horizontal reverse Left samplen 1 height 3
     set xrange [0:10]
     set yrange [0:8]
     SIZE = 0.05     # barb size will be 5% of graph width (units gxx)
     plot [t=1:9:2] '+' using (t):(6):(SIZE):(SIZE):(36*t) notitle with marks mt 5 units gxx, \
          [t=1:9:2] '+' using (t):(4):(SIZE):(SIZE):(15*t) notitle with marks mt 25 units gxx, \
          [t=1:9:2] '+' using (t):(2):(SIZE):(SIZE):(25*t) notitle with marks mt 50 units gxx, \
          keyentry with marks mt  5 ps 4 lc "black" title "5 knots", \
          keyentry with marks mt 25 ps 4 lc "black" title "25 knots", \
          keyentry with marks mt 50 ps 4 lc "black" title "50 knots"