Credits Overview Plotting Styles Commands Terminals



The points style displays a small symbol at each point. The command set pointsize may be used to change the default size of all points. The point type defaults to that of the corresponding linetype. See linetypes. Alternatively the plot command can specify a specific point type or size. The most flexible alternative is to specify pointtype variable or pointsize variable in the plot command and provide provide the corresponding per-datum point properties in additional columns of the using specifier. In this case, input data columns are interpreted implicitly in the order x y pointsize pointtype color (see pointtype variable below).

The first 8 point types are shared by all terminals. Individual terminals may provide a much larger number of distinct point types. Use the test command to show what is provided by the current terminal settings. See also pointtype symbols below.

Alternatively any single printable character may be given instead of a numerical point type, as in the example below. You may use any unicode character as the pointtype (assumes utf8 support). See escape sequences. Longer strings may be plotted using plot style labels rather than points.


     plot f(x) with points pt "#"
     plot d(x) with points pt "\U+2299"
     plot f(x) using 1:2:3 with points pointtype 6 pointsize variable