Credits Overview Plotting Styles Commands Terminals


Any of gnuplot's interactive terminals (qt win wxt x11 aqua) can be used to display an animation by plotting successive frames from the command line or from a script.

Several non-mousing terminals also support some form of animation. See term sixelgd animate, term domterm animate.

Two terminals can save an animation to a file for later playback locally or by embedding it a web page. See term gif animate, term webp.


     unset border; unset tics; unset key; set view equal xyz
     set pm3d border linecolor "black"
     set term webp animate delay 50
     set output 'spinning_d20.webp'
     do for [ang=1:360:2] {
         set view 60, ang
         splot 'icosahedron.dat' with polygons fc "gold"
     unset output