Credits Overview Plotting Styles Commands Terminals


The pict2e terminal uses the LaTeX2e variant of the picture environment. It replaces terminals which were based on the original LaTeX picture environment: latex, emtex, tpic, and eepic.

Alternatives to this terminal with a more complete support of gnuplot's features are tikz, pstricks, cairolatex, pslatex, epslatex and mp.


      set terminal pict2e
                   {font "{<fontname>}{,<fontsize>}"}
                   {size <XX>{unit}, <YY>{unit}}
                   {color | monochrome}
                   {linewidth <lw>} {rounded | butt}
                   {texarrows | gparrows} {texpoints | gppoints}
                   {smallpoints | tinypoints | normalpoints}

This terminal requires the following standard LaTeX packages: pict2e, xcolor, graphics/graphicx and amssymb. For pdflatex, the transparent package is used to support transparency.

By default the plot will inherit font settings from the embedding document. You have the option to force a font with the font option, like cmtt (Courier) or cmr (Roman), instead. In this case you may also force a specific fontsize. Otherwise the fontsize argument is used to estimate the required space for text. Unless your driver is capable of building fonts at any size (e.g. dvips), stick to the standard 10, 11 and 12 point sizes.

The default size for the plot is 5 inches by 3 inches. The size option changes this to whatever the user requests. By default the X and Y sizes are taken to be in inches, but other units are possible (currently only cm).

With texpoints, points are drawn using LaTeX commands like "\Diamond" and "\Box". These are provided by the the latexsym package, which is part of the base distribution and thus part of any LaTeX implementation. Other point types use symbols from the amssymb package. With gppoints, the terminal will use gnuplot's internal routines for drawing point symbols instead.

With the texpoints option, you can select three different point sizes: normalpoints, smallpoints, and tinypoints.

color causes gnuplot to produce \color{...} commands so that the graphs are colored. Using this option, you must include \usepackage{xcolor} in the preamble of your LaTeX document. monochrome will avoid the use of any color commands in the output. Transparent color fill is available if pdflatex is used.

linewidth sets the scale factor for the width of lines. rounded sets line caps and line joins to be rounded. butt sets butt caps and mitered joins and is the default.

pict2e only supports dotted lines, but not dashed lines. All default line types are solid. Use set linetype with the dashtype property to change.

texarrows draws arrows using LaTeX commands which are shorter but do not offer all options. gparrows selects drawing arrows using gnuplot's own routine for full functionality instead.